桑拿洗浴 · 2024.06-22

When they just stepped into the maze, the other side made full preparations, and the Knight League knocked on the door of bss room.

The effect is compelling, crashing the door and ringing in the hearts of the members of the Knight League Raiders Group. As the door opens on both sides, the darkness suddenly lights up and colorful light illuminates the whole room.
The light source can be found, but the light does fill the whole room. In the farthest distance, a five-person monster with a height of two meters is quietly there.
The only gap left by the red armor wrapped around the body joints is that two round holes show a pair of cold eyes and stare at the people outside the door coldly.
What it holds in its hand is a knife that is longer than the height of ordinary people. The sharp blade reflects the colorful glow and adds a sense of dignity to everyone at the gate.
Gollum …
Someone couldn’t help swallowing saliva.
Although the Knight League is the first to ride, every bss Raiders will die. If it were not for the glory, some people might not have persisted.
Tilberu clenched his gun and his eyes were particularly dignified.
At that time, it was not because of the time, but because the bss in front of us was really terrible
The player’s roots can’t resist being piled up by human lives alone
The gesture of total annihilation is still in my mind today.
So how much stronger was the beta period compared with now?
"Prepare the Raiders!"
Tilberu took one look at the penetration gun and immediately took the first step firmly.
Maybe bss is better than the beta period, but now they are not the raiders who rely on their lives at that time.
Now they are ten times better than the raiders group during the beta period!
**** *w*w*w****8 ****
The tenth floor bss strategy is about to start.
After this chapter, the advantages will swing.
After that, intelligence will become more important.
Chapter 19 Cost
The code word in the middle of the night was not easy, but I wrote it anyway.
Because of the house, I went to my classmates to reward me.
Evaluation ticket or reward.
I see it in my eyes and keep it in my heart.
Thank you for your support. I really want to update it quickly, and then I have something to write again. Before that, I have to finish my sword
When the Cavaliers’ League Raiders team entered the room, on the other side of the room, the Lord of Thousand Snake City suddenly moved it, holding the knife hand and reversing it, and David Tang inserted Taidao into the floor and embraced his arms. Although it was far away, Tilberu seemed to see the ridicule in those eyes.
It’s demonstrating or flouting …
Rao is Tilberu, and he can’t help but be angry with the Lord of Thousand Snake City, which is formed by data. At the same time, he is secretly frightened because the Lord of Thousand Snake City didn’t have this move when the test was closed.
"All teams are in position. Avant-garde teams should pay attention to blood loss. Attack teams should remember not to fight and try not to be attacked by bss."
Tilberu shouted "Turn on the properties of the penetrating gun" and previously displayed the unknown skills. The effect seems to be that the conditions are met and the properties are revealed.
intense and deep-seated hatred
Target Thousand Snake City Master’s skill damage effect increased by% and 6% outside the target.
The trigger rate of negative effects is% higher when the target Thousand Snake City is the Lord.
Looking at the blood feud property, Tilberu’s eyes are slightly bright, which seems to smell true, but the effect of the raiders key is still slightly worse, but it is not much confidence to inject a dose of cardiotonic into his heart.
He gradually looked serious and pointed a gun in one hand at the Lord of Thousand Snake City. "Avant-garde Team A is going to block bss attacks and attack Team A to wait for an opportunity to output Avant-garde Team B and attack Team B to prepare to take over."
Avant-garde team A and attacking team A members rushed to Thousand Snake City without hesitation, and the rest of them slowed down and followed the two teams.
When the Lord of Thousand Snake City saw that the players rushed over and smiled coldly, he reached out and pulled up the Taidao inserted in the ground. According to the unified setting, it would not fight by hand. Inserting Taidao into the floor was set to start.
The humanoid monster naturally speaks a dead word from his mouth, and his murderous hand is full of knives, flashing red light. When he saw it, he suddenly jumped to the middle and rushed forward. The avant-garde team couldn’t help but stop and watch in horror. He was like a meteorite in the middle and fell to the Lord of Thousand Snake City towards them.
"avoid it!"
Tilberu’s eyes shrank sharply and his consciousness roared out.
From high landing skills, there is generally a range control effect. If the Lord of Thousand Snake City jumps into the avant-garde team, the consequences will be unimaginable.
It’s not the kui that the elite of the Raiders Group immediately scattered around after hearing the anxious sound of Tilberu. There was an unlucky sword and shield that kept the roots from dodging at a very close distance just at the landing point of the Lord of Thousand Snake City.