spa会所 · 2024.07-14

Zhao Puxiao "We are moving troops to the west of Bian City to fight against Zhou Bing, and we are working with them. We can afford them, but they can’t afford it. This Bian City is bound to be a position for half a year."

Ma Yun took a long breath, thought for a moment with his eyes closed and sighed, "Make Shida let him attack the city for the last time. If he still can’t attack the army, he will immediately move to Baigou."
Zhao Puzheng is going to make the squint see the left side run to a reporter. He is stunned all over. This person is his hand in charge of collecting and sorting out the military intelligence report. He must be in a hurry to see what is the major military intelligence student.
See Zhao Pu hesitation sample Ma Yun looked down his eyes and saw the officer. The man ran to Ma Yun and turned to his knees "to submit the existing emergency army."
Ma Yun’s face was tight, but he said calmly, "What’s up? But say it might as well. "
"You have just received a military report that the Shu army broke Fengxiang the day before yesterday and is now marching towards Chang ‘an!"
"What?" Ma Yun was stunned, and then he couldn’t help laughing. "It’s really God’s help. I didn’t expect that the Shu army actually conquered Fengxiang. Fengxiang has been in the middle of a dangerous pass. I’m afraid Guo Rong has no spare capacity to rescue the border. Will the white army be able to match us if it doesn’t come?"
Zhao Pu considered the words, "The Shu army actually conquered Fengxiang, and there won’t be any problems in it."
"Ha ha, Li Aiqing, have you ever been suitable for this military newspaper?"
"The accuracy of the military report is consistent with the information sent by the Military Intelligence Department of the Privy Council."
"Ha ha, that must not be wrong. It’s an opportunity. Zhao Aiqing’s opportunity can’t be ordered to dispatch the guards to attack the city!"
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Chapter 66 Reinforcements?
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Chapter 66 Reinforcements?
Because of the deep fear of Guo Rong and Zhao Kuangyin and the emphasis on the combat effectiveness of the white army, Ma Yun, the emperor of Chu, did not dare to relax his vigilance in Bian City. At the same time, because Chang’ an is too close to Bian City, the trotters can reach it in a day and a night, which can’t help but make Ma Yun keep a mobile force ready to deal with emergencies.
However, the news that the Shu army conquered Fengxiang greatly relieved Ma Yun. The impact of Fengxiang’s loss on China was subversive. Although it was not clear that the white army would be defeated in Fengxiang, it once again accelerated the pace of the war. It was Zhou Gen who spent so much effort in the construction and consolidation, and it was the middle base that fought for the sky. But now it is dangerous. How can the white army brigade give up its roots and go east? Ask the Shu army to be more cautious. In Chang ‘an, drag the white army to death. Hedong Liu Chonghen and Liaodong Qidan can’t sit still. It will be difficult for the four countries to come out together and not perish.
In the case of sudden change in form, Ma Yunxun adjusted his strategic deployment from attacking Bianjing and attracting Zhou Jun’s aid to desperately storming Bianjing, taking the lead in the military action of destroying Zhou in the Four Kingdoms. In this case, Ma Yun put his own hands into the siege war.
The drums "drummed", the pennants fluttered in the wind, lanterns and torches illuminated the night as if it were day, and the explosion of thunder shook the heavens and the earth, which covered the guards and bravely charged the Bianjing city head.
Outside the city, the Chu army just faded like the tide for a moment, and then it swooped down again like a stormy wave. Once the city head of Bian City was completely submerged like a rock, Zhou Bing endured physical exhaustion, gritted his teeth and kept pounding, and the Chu army struggled to get back again and again, relying on the Yugoslav capital advantage. However, when the Chu army repeatedly charged and bombarded the high wall of Bian City, there was a slight collapse. When the wall collapsed, the Chu army was about to flock. When the huge wooden wall died, it was blocked in the gap. Then it was the fight for and destruction of the wooden wall. The Chu army wanted to burn down and Zhou Junze desperately rescued the war, so it was deadlocked until late at night.
After risking his life to charge many times, the Chu army finally got tired, like the tide receded, and gradually withdrew from the retreat horn. Retreating does not mean the end, but it indicates that the siege war is more intense. Looking at the Chu army retreating, Zhou Bing’s physical strength seems to want the Chu army to disappear one by one. A loose hand and a sword fell to the ground, one by one, regardless of falling in a pool of blood, panting.
Killing and killing them is numb. They may not know what to fight, but when the drums are beating, they can wield swords and guns to restrain the enemy’s life or be restrained by the enemy. In a cruel battlefield, life or death is often a thought or even a turn. It is of course lucky to be alive, but death is not a relief.
In the Chu army camp, Ma Yun asked the soldiers to appease and inspire the morale of the army. The integration of officers and men in the Chu army is a system full of human sympathy, which makes the soldiers feel that the emperor is with them. This kind of humanistic heart is often more important than rewarding twelve silvers. Ma Yun worked for him in modern times. Of course, modern enterprises advocate the true meaning of "keeping people with feelings, treatment and career". Warm sympathy and soldiers’ good establishment can greatly stimulate the combat effectiveness of the soldiers. These days, high-intensity war is not only a kind of war for Zhou Bing.
Ma Yun suddenly saw Zhao Puzheng not far away in his condolences. He looked at himself respectfully. Ma Yun cried and understood that Zhao Pu must have something important to find himself. He smiled and joked with the sergeant around him. The two armies returned to the handsome account. Zhao Pu’s front foot just came in and said hastily, "The pursuit has just received a military newspaper from General Wang of Xicheng. In Fengqiu, the scouts are now in the south."
Ma Yun is stunned. "How many people are there? Can you find out who the leading generals are? "
"The pursuit is from Hebei," Zhao Pu said.
Ma Yunmeng turned his head and stared at Zhao Pu. "But has Yecheng returned to the army?" Ma Yun’s daring to attack Fengxiang in Bianjing is the main reason, but Xiang Xun’s failure to mobilize troops in Hebei is also an important factor. What did Xiang Xun do in Yecheng? Drinking, chatting, riding horses, shooting arrows, not a single soldier was mobilized in the major towns of Hebei.
When the wind trap room and the military intelligence department sent this information, Ma Yun not only didn’t ridicule and underestimate Xiang Xun, but also admired Xiang Xun’s intention. But he also saw through Xiang Xun’s intention in Yecheng, so he showed his ease. He didn’t want to let all the towns in Hebei know that Bian City was as safe as Mount Tai. Don’t panic and don’t make any changes. Just watch your territory for the emperor honestly.
On the other hand, it is said that in such a dangerous situation, Guo Wei is still sober and less politically wise. Because Hebei is faced with two old enemies, Qidan and Hedong Liu Chong, once the army is transferred from Hebei to the south, Hebei officials must be frightened. How can these officials guard Hebei without the army or with insufficient troops? This has shaken the confidence of officials in the form.
Did Yecheng Xiangxun see that Bianjing was in danger and he couldn’t sit still and correct the army’s south?
Zhao Pu pointed to the map and explained, "It has been found out that there are about 5ooo people in this team. The banner played by the combination of" Ma bu "or" Ma bu "or" Ma bu "is" Li ",which may be the south of Li Zhongjin, a slippery state".
Ma Yun pondered a "Zhao Aiqing, you said that Li Zhongjin is alone in the south? Or to the front of the training? "
"At present, we haven’t kept to Xun Nan’s intelligence minister to see whether it’s slippery state and Li Zhongjin to see that Bianjing is tight, and whether it’s alone or to Xun Nan, we must send someone to stop them from marching too fast along the ancient Yellow River Road."
"You’re right. If it’s Li Zhongjin South, there won’t be many military forces. Let’s eat it and make the counties around Bianjing dare not make a move. If it’s training the army south, the war will come and be imagined, but it’s cheap for Liu Chong and the Khitans!"
Ma Yun’s words revealed his intention: "Cheap Liu Chong". In the middle school, the white army was pinned down by the Shu army and the elite soldiers in Hebei were in the south. As a result, the virtual Liu Chong in Hebei was still in full swing. As a result, there was no hope for Hebei. In the south of Henan, there were nearly 100,000 troops from Wang Yin, Bianjing, and the training of Zhou troops was intensified. Once there was a rebound to 200,000 people in Henan, there was no full strength to swallow up the big Chu. If Da Chu was in Henan and the 200,000 elite
Zhao Pu gave a wry smile. "It’s unpredictable for us that the most important thing is to fake the week and destroy the others on Monday. Meng Chang, Shu knows that Liu Chong, who is looking for fun in Hedong, can’t see the Khitan Lord’s’ sleeping king’ ear. They are our big Chu opponents there!"