品茶 · 2024.07-16

There are many questions about the battlefield, but most of them can be left for people to figure out afterwards. Logan quickly returned to the British position at the top of the slope with his paratroopers facing the canal. The slope on this side is much gentler than that on the other side. The whole slope is nearly 30 meters long-the key to the difficulty is that the infantry are more likely to rush in without the protection of the canal!

Those yellow pickup trucks stopped outside the range of machine guns, and the naked eye could see that 200 to 300 British soldiers got on the bus and were ready to attack under the command of officers. It was not even a smoke, and in a sharp whistle, the British infantry lined up in a skirmisher formation and quickly advanced to the position!
"It moves so fast!"
It took Logan a short time to see the other side attack from the car. In his mind, attacking the whole team seems to be a very serious and complicated matter. It is no wonder that he has never seen the Wehrmacht exercise in less than two weeks since he came to this era-the German army is famous for its strict discipline and quick action, which is worthless in the face of modern blitzkrieg!
However, due to the lack of ferries, SS soldiers have already crossed the canal by now, but there are not any heavy weapons in 30 people. Logan feels a little hung up if he wants to hold the wide defense line with these forces!
On the side, the squadron leader (second lieutenant) of ss-3 commando team didn’t look nervous. He called a subordinate to explain something, and then asked the non-commissioned officers to disperse the soldiers who had crossed the river to the whole defense line.
Now that a head-on confrontation seems to have been avoided, Logan simply let the paratroopers take off their sleeves outside. The British military system in May was not hot in northern France, but after taking off his "yellow skin", Logan felt particularly relaxed and relieved to see his own family.
Bang … bang …
Behind the gun, Logan turned to look at it. Oh, my god! On the other side of the canal, there were bursts of white smoke behind the German position. What surprised him even more was that some black iron guys appeared on the edge of the forest and quickly raised their binoculars to have a look! It’s a tank pinch!
I’ve seen a lot of pictures, but when the real thing appeared in front of me, Logan was not sure that it was a III or IV tank. It was thick, wide and solid, with angular lines and a thick, straight and short barrel gun. As far as the 194o standard is concerned, these tanks are quite strong!
The numb of steel chariots coat with white iron crosses is small, but judging from that white smoke rising from the muzzle, they soon join the ranks of fire support, and the shells howled overhead, and in a blink of an eye, the British infantry were shrouded in a terrible network of fire!
"Did you call for artillery support?" I just turned back to German, and Logan is still a little uncomfortable.
Ss level 3 commando squadron leader replied, "It’s to give the Brits some color to see see! Otherwise, they still call us novices! "
Rookie? The word is very fashionable, saying that Logan is screaming, "If we can get those tanks to the position as soon as possible, we will be worried!"
The SS officer looked back. "We have to wait for the engineers to set up the pontoon bridge! We should be able to hold our position for another two hours! "
"How long?"
"Two hours!"
Rogan finally heard the other side’s answer clearly. He remembered hearing the host proudly introduce in a military program that a pontoon bridge unit built a pontoon bridge with heavy equipment on the river more than 100 meters wide in just 20 minutes. At first glance, the efficiency of this canal was not generally low, but it took German engineers more than 10 meters wide to build the pontoon bridge!
Considering today’s technical level, Logan is also thinking about Doddoli’s own "pre-consciousness" in the future. Fortunately, the German artillery is aiming well. After several rounds of shelling, the British infantry who put into the first attack have been bombed to the last few!
Wow, thank you for your support. Heaven will do its best to make this military theme of World War II the most refreshing spiritual feast in hot summer!
In addition, thanks to Ba 123, rbb, Yuanlaiji, yearning for honor, Friends 153356, mg42, Burning Eyes, fumin19o, s99o4, Terminator Return, hi112 and other friends, the reward day will bring you the freshest and most exciting plot on the basis of quality and quantity!
Chapter 16 Another madman
"Who’s Lieutenant Hans Logan?"
When this slightly hoarse voice came from behind, Logan was fiddling with a Li En Field 4 rifle, which was a large-caliber revolver left by the British sergeant. Although it can wield greater power in melee, it is obviously more effective in positional warfare!
"Oh, I’m you …" Logan turned around and saw an SS officer in his forties, with a strong figure and a small round face. For personal understanding, Logan regarded this team as a "fanatic" and their commander was naturally a "fanatic leader". Of course, the biggest leader must be Xiao Hu Yuan!
"Joseph Dietrich, commander of the Yuan Guard Flag Team!" The "fanatic leader" offered his right hand. "Lieutenant, you have helped us a lot!"
For this name, Logan still has a little memory. He modestly replied, "It’s just that trick or two can’t get into Daya Gallery! This is not what the British seem to have seen through! "
"Oh?" At the age of 40, the "fanatic leader" looks a little surprised. "You mean … you cheated them away instead of their voluntary withdrawal?"
Logan laughed. "These Brits don’t leave for no reason! As a matter of fact, we raided the British Expeditionary Force Command in Dunkirk last night, killed Lord Gott, made a little move on their desk, and forged some fake orders! Tobias, get the password and those military cards! "
The soldiers quickly sent the size of the "Bible" together with the certificates of 12 British and French distribution officers to Logan, who handed it over to the "fanatic leader"
"I hope it will help you!" Logan said generously
The other party was overjoyed. "My emperor, lieutenant, you will definitely get the Iron Cross for this! No, even the iron cross 1st class Medal is not enough to praise your achievements! I want to report directly to Yuan Bao! "
Logan smiled indifferently. If the combat effectiveness of the Yuan Guard Flag Team is not important, it is not a guy who can bear such a force commander. Dietrich is obviously not a simple role.
The "fanatic leader" called his adjutant and ordered him to report to the high command immediately in the name of the Yuan Guard Flag, and strongly suggested that all departments take advantage of the chaos of the command structure of the British and French Coalition forces to violently attack the defense lines of the Coalition forces.
"It seems that victory is in sight!" Dietrich clenched his fist happily.
Whew …
"Hidden!" This time, Logan quickly pushed Dietrich into the trench. Although the shells from the British finally crossed the position and landed on the canal, the SS commander said gratefully
"Lieutenant Logan, you are my lucky star! I owe you paratroopers again! Thank you so much! "
Logan helped Dietrich pat the dust off his shoulder and said, "To say thank you, we all have to thank the high command for approving this adventure, the military command for its strong support, General Kurt Studente for his outspoken advice, and finally thank God for taking care of us!"
Don’t want Dietrich ha ha a smile "bro, you are such an interesting person! In the final analysis, do we still have to thank Yuan Ying for his leadership? And when it comes to General Studente, I still feel guilty! "
"oh? How do you say this? " Logan asked
"You don’t know?" Dietrich said, "Those idiots in my hand accidentally shot the general in Rotterdam during the war, and I lost several officers in one breath!"
Is there such a thing? Logan thought to himself that he knew General Studente was injured, but he never thought about how he was injured. It seems that sometimes divination is good for physical and mental health.
Whew … whew …
A few more shells came and set off a large area of sandy soil in front of the position originally built by the British army. The British infantry are organizing a new round of attack, but it seems that all they can rely on is the extraordinary courage of the officers and men besides finding some field guns to help them!
When the British infantry advanced to a few hundred meters away from the position, Dietrich made the fire suddenly roar with dozens of mg34 machine guns, and the crisp sound of the rifles in the statement of "tearing linen" superimposed on each other immediately made the opposite Englishman taste the negative magic of "low morale"!
Rogan took the British lead Howe Li En Field 4 rifle to fire again and again, but every time he just pulled the trigger, the target either fell immediately or fell backwards, so he finished playing a row of bullets. Rogan knew that he was afraid that he had not achieved any results-at this time, he seemed to have crossed again from advocating fast maneuvering and armored warfare to returning to the machine gun trench. In World War I, the British and French soldiers were put down like piles of wheat!
Stuck on the other side of the canal for a long time in crisp machine guns, German officers and men can finally breathe evil, and those British infantry who have no cover can weave a network of warfare on their way forward. They have to pay a very painful price for every step they take. Churchill and Gott try their best to keep more effective forces in Britain, but these young healthy soldiers fall in batches in this overgrown wilderness. Don’t count the British mothers and husbands who have lost their lives. British women will cry in the straits all day long!
A few minutes later, the mg34 machine gun finally ended its roar, and a large number of shells rolled off the gunner’s side and feet. In less than ten minutes, there was no longer a figure standing in the line of sight. The number of corpses lying in front of the position was so large that it was difficult to calculate in a short time, and some lucky people kept crawling, so that the unlucky ones could help groan in pain and look forward to being rescued as soon as possible.
"Since the machine gun was put into actual combat on a large scale, it is foolish to simply attack the opponent’s position by infantry!" Dietrich said to Logan with a serious face, "But just a few hours ago, I had to drive my soldiers to do that stupid thing. Lieutenant Hans Logan will be your most reliable friend from today! If you encounter any trouble, just come to me! "
"I did a good job …" Rogan suppressed his joy and said sincerely, "I have always been full of respect for you and your troops! I personally feel honored to have such a friend! "
After two heavy casualties, the British infantry across the street didn’t dare to cross the line again, but dug trenches far away. Dietrich didn’t care about this. While letting the troops speed up crossing the river, he asked Logan about the deployment of the British and French Coalition forces in Dunkirk. Logan and his team searched for the map of the war at the headquarters of the British Expeditionary Force last night. What they saw and heard along the way in the afternoon became rare and valuable information at this time.
Dietrich and his stooges have been discussing together for a long time, and Garrogan "egged" them on and finally came to an important conclusion. In view of the fact that the ultimate goal of the allied forces is to retreat at Dunkirk fulcrum, they will neither have the power to continue to maintain the eye-ring defense circle. As the German ground forces press hard, these guys are bound to retreat around Dunkirk to build a smaller and stronger defense line to defend themselves and strive for as many retreats as possible for other troops.
Finally, Dietrich drew a circle on the map with a red pencil, pointed to the central dot of the circle and said, "Monk is here! We’re going to be firmly embedded here like a nail in the ass of the Coalition forces, making them fidgety! At most 24 hours, friendly forces will press from the ground until the egg is crushed! "